Thursday, July 7, 2011

Talking About It

I've started telling my story to a handful of family and friends. I'm so fortunate to have so many friends who support me in real life and in cyber life. I've heard other people's stories of surviving their spouse's infidelity and how it effects their kids. Even being married to JY I often wondered what influence he'd have on M. Hopefully, in two separate households it will be lessened.

Each time I tell my story I cry just a little bit more. And if you knew me it would be surprising. I'm not know as a crier. But I don't cry for myself. I cry for Maryn. The tears also empower me. I'm empowered to make a happy life for her. To give her strong male role models. Those who are better men than her father.

I've also started trying to figure out my financial life until all of this mess is behind me. What a pain to have to transfer money, open accounts, prepare to close accounts, and change automatic bill payments. The upside of this is that I was the financially stable one in the relationship. I paid all the bills and I have some savings. I didn't plan to use it to live on before retirement. But it's there if I need it. JY's financial life is a mess to say the least. Late payments, raiding his pension to pay bills and credit accounts in collections are all in his not to distant past. He lives a life were everything is a want. He can't separate wants from needs. He has never learned to save for want he wants. He just buys without thinking about how to pay for it. Now that won't be my problem!


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