Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I Deserve Flowers

Freedom bouquets were being sold at Trader Joe's today. I felt I deserved flowers. Tonight JY is moving his main stuff out of the house! Hallelujah! I'll finally feel at home and a bit more at peace in the evenings. I wish he would have started moving his things before 9 pm. But a move is better than no move.

I told my Dad today about the divorce. At first he misunderstood and thought that this was a one time thing and that we should work it out. Then he listened more and realized that JY doesn't want to work things out and that he's fed me nothing but lies since I suspected something was up. It felt good to cry a bit more. Dad was so supportive and said it's time to move on and I'm doing what needs to be done. He offered to come out for a few days. I declined the offer and he'll come at his normally scheduled visit at the end of August.

Now that I've told my immediate family, I feel like I can tell the rest of the world. I feel like a status change is coming on Facebook. I think that's so much easier than individual calls to friends I don't see regularly. We'll see. I might wait one more night to try to make calls.

I also deserve flowers today because I had a Dr. appointment to check for any STDs. You should have seen the Dr's eyes pop when I told her my story. It's too soon for and HIV/AIDS test. But she checked for everything else she could and could rule out herpes because I don't have any sores. Lovely. Again never thought any of this would happen to me. Or that my name would be used in the same sentence as any of these words.

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