Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A Good But Rough Day

Today was the first day with JY out of the house. It felt so good this AM not to have to look at him. And even better to come home and not have to see/avoid him. I left work early just to enjoy the serenity.

Even more good things happened, too. I was driven to tears by some of the best "imaginary" friends a gal can have. My January Mamas sent me an Edible Arrangement today. It was so cool and so thoughtful. I was so surprised and so happy to fell all of them lifting me up in their thoughts and prayers. I don't know if I've never needed to support of others so badly. I'm usually so self-reliant. But I'm truly gaining strength from family and friends. I know nothing will make this go away, but it definitely is helping me move on. I wish a divorce could happen as fast and easily as a wedding. I hold out hope that this will be over by the winter. I won't, however, hold my breath.

My dad also floored me today. Not that he did anything uncharacteristic. It's more that I wasn't expecting it. He so wants me to move on and move out. He's willing to help me get into a different home for the two of us. I may not need the help. It's just a weight lifted to know that help is there if needed.

Word is getting out in JY's family. I wondered if he had told the truth to his parents. I don't know what they've been told. One of the sisters-in-law sent me a note today that she heard about JY having a girlfriend in Chicago. She wasn't trying to get information. Just checking to make sure M and I were okay. I told her some of what I know, but not everything. Thought I'd at least confirm what she heard.

I'm thinking about writing my mother-in-law about all that happened. Then I think that won't help at all. I feel like I should let her know what I'm thinking about her relationship with M and how it's her son's responsibility to maintain it. I don't want her to think I'm going to try to keep M from her. I also don't want her to think I'm going to be coming up for visits so she can see M all the time. The answer will come to me someday whether or not to write the letter.

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